Remember that time I blogged? | Tampa family photographer

Everyone has an M.O..  That’s police lingo AND Latin for Modus Operandi.  My blogging M.O. is that I’m awesome at it for a month or so, then I suck.  And I forget that I have it or I forget to do it.  And then my M.O. is that I write a post promising to blog more and it doesn’t happen.  I’m not making any promises today.

A lot has happened since I blogged last.  Lots of shoots.  Summer is here.  I have a Goddaughter now, there’s a lot going on!  And I could go back and upload all of the adorably perfect and amazing families and babies and kiddos who I have taken pictures of in the last few months.  But I’m not going to.  Instead you should just ‘like’ my Facebook page and make sure I show up in your newsfeed so you can see the preciousness.

A few random thoughts.  Summer is more than halfway over.  That means fall is coming.  I have a few fall sessions booked already and am booking into September now.  If you want a prime spot for your holiday photos, now is the time to start thinking about it.  Just putting that out there.

Also, I talk a lot about memories.  Capturing them.  Holding onto them.  Laughing at them.  This sweet girl was an angelic newborn for me last summer.  She’s one now.  And is just as perfect.  But sometimes, even your own personal cake isn’t enough to bring out a smile.  But I know for years to come, her family will have some good chuckles over this image.  Happy Wednesday y’all!!

Tampa family photographer

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2 Responses to Remember that time I blogged? | Tampa family photographer

  1. Joe says:

    welcome back, missed you!

  2. That photo is priceless and will forever be cherished!

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